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In most of the cases, performing application modernization will require data migration. For data migration, we would need to decide what type of method or cloud services should be using to store our application data in a secure, scalable and can achieve high availability. For Azure cloud, there is a good choice for NoSQL database - the Cosmos DB. Azure Cosmos DB is a managed serverless NoSQL database with high SLA and scalability.

Enhance Data Security

One of the most important things in data should be security. With Cosmos DB, we can enjoy the protection provided by Azure cloud. It could provide 99.999% high availability and ready for enterprise level security protection that contains encryption-at-rest with self-managed keys.


When migrating to the cloud, data would have a big costing problem. This is because data is continuously increasing everyday and even everytime and we need to consider the monthly cost of storing different application data. Not just in-app data, but also another huge amount of information - the logs. Saving logs would be a challenging task with a large number of data. With Cosoms DB, we can enjoy the options for unpredictable or sporadic workloads of any size or scale. This could let developers start developing their application easily without targeting the capacity beforehand.

High Availability

With modernized applications, it would be targeted to handle massive amounts of data, input and output. Azure Cosmos DB can provide a high throughput, low delay solution and achieve tunable consistency. A massive amount of data will be able to handle with ease on Azure cloud safely with a backup solution. That’s why many enterprise would love to migrating their database to cloud solution for better availability and preventing data lose.

Deploying Cosmos DB

To deploy your own Cosmos DB, you can find it on Azure marketplace. Just click “Create a resource” on Azure portal, then click “Databases” and find “Azure Cosmos DB”.

For more information of Cosmos DB, you can refer to Azure documentation:
Eric Chan
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Microsoft MVP
SOS Group Limited

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